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Creation of Noshi and Zorrito at the TGB of Châtillon-sur-Seine

Capture d’écran 2024-01-02 à 09.07.37

  Find the new creation of the company Héliosséléné Noshi et Zorrito at the TGB in Châtillon sur Seine. A written text, directed and performed by Guillaume Caubel . More information on the company's website :...

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Release of Spirulina by Guillaume Caubel at Hello Editions


Summary : After his father's death, HE takes a look at his life. Navigating between his memories, He gradually becomes aware of the child he was and the man he has become.. SPIRULINA, As for her, appears as a fantasy, A dramatized image, A mirage allowing him to...

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Creation Residency 2022 Noshi and Zorrito

Noshi et Zorrito

The young audience theatre text Noshi et Zorrito by Guillaume Caubel is the author and director has been selected for the call for a young audience residency Les Matinées Virecourt. March Creation Residency / April with exit from residence on 6 and 7 April 2022. Noshi, a young person..

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The Dreamcatcher Fratellini Academy


After having invested the salons of the Paris City Hall for a great Popular and Opera Ball during the previous edition of the Festival du Futur Composé, the Héliosséléné Company wishes to settle down in June 2018 for a new concept. Always in a principle of diversity and ...

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Noyez-moi d’Hubert Bolduc


The body of Albert that person will never come to claim is found in her bathtub. Who is this man alone unto death ? What secrets hidden ? Luc, the owner of his apartment, part search this mysterious identity. It then follows the wanderings of Luc, the loss of....

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Ogres de Yann Verburgh


Lecture SACD le 18 mars à 19h Lauréat de l’Aide à l’écriture de l’association Beaumarchais-SACD Lauréat de l’Aide à la création du CnT avec le soutien de la Chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon – CNES mise en scène Eugen Jebeleanu assistant Guillaume Caubel avec Gautier...

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